Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Gram Dal Tofu Salad (Myanmar Style)

Hallo my friends! I made the Tofu yesterday and now I am going to make the Tofu salad (Myanmar style).

Before we make the Tofu salad we need the some ingredients and you can see it as follow,

  1. Soy sauce
  2. Soy beans powder
  3. Curcuma powder
  4. Onion
  5. Garlic
  6. Peanut oil or Olive Oil
  7. Chili powder
  8. Salt
  9. Cabbage
  10. Coriander
  11. Tamarind
  12. Rice noodle
  13. Potato
Okay, now, you have everything and we can start to make salad.

  1. Now you must cut the Tofu in small pieces and put it on a plate and cut the cabbage, garlic, coriander and a onion in small pieces,

2. At the same time, you must heat a bit of peanut oil in a pot. Then you mix a bit of curcuma powder in it when you see the powder being completely mixed in the hot oil,  add half of an onion and the garlic pieces that you cut. After 2 minute, you can see the of onion and garlic getting yellow. Now you can stop the heating.
You take the three spoons of water, a tea spoon of salt, the rest of the half garlic and onion and mix it in to a small cup. At the same time, you can put the fried onion and garlic aside of the soy beans powder on a plate.

      3. You must boil a potato for 15 minutes and a bit of rice noodle for 3 minutes then you cut the potato in a round shape and prepare in a bowl and also the rice with Tofu pieces in a bowl.  At the same time, you can make the cream of tamarind with hot water in a bowl.
There is also the chili powder and you can see it all on table as follow. Here you can see all the ingredients.

Now, everything is ready and you can make a wonderful Tofu salad.
First, you put the Tofu pieces, rice noodle and potato as you see.

Put the coriander and cabbage as you like.

You can put a bit of chili on the plate and a tea spoon of all the other ingredients and you can put also some soy sauce on it. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Gram Dal Tofu (Myanmar style)

Before I start I want to say thanks to Skype which made it possible to make a cheap call around the world to ask my neighbor in Mingun Village for the recipe. 
When you want to cook Myanmar food you shall know about Myanmar measurement, for that you can use this link.

To make Gram Dal Tofu 

  • 12 kyatthar or 200g Gram Flour
  • 700 ml Cold Water
  • a pinch of salt

  1. Now you can start make the Gram Dal Tofu. You pour the Gram flour and the cold water in to a pot and mix thoroughly.